Tuesday, February 9, 2010


A gown designed to look like a Raven totem pole worn by Miss Alaska-Universe Kathy Hartman in 1971 has gone msising. Check out this article from the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.

What a beautiful creation! And what a shame to have lost it. The dress creator said she wants to find it and put it on display at the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center to honor Alaska Natives.

Friday, January 29, 2010


So...I've been frightfully delinquent in updating my posts...isn't that a common affliction for bloggers?
I love reading blogs, especially the slightly personal ones becasue it seems like you're peering into someone's secret life. It's very voyeuristic. But it's hard to find a balance between too much information and a nice peep into a lifestyle. How people live their lives is incredibly fascinating to me. Especially the mundane detals like how much toothpaste they put on their toothbrushes, morning routines, or the simples things that people need/do to get through the day. the everyday things are what makes life worth living.

Anways, after that diatribe...I digress...

In an effort to update my blog to try and post more regularly I'll share a few special and everyday photos from the past few months...whaddya say?

my best friend's beautiful wedding

press tour to the pipeline

snowshoe softball

(photo stolen off of friend's fbook)